For once I found myself in a spacious place to do my bizz. After 4 beers I appreciated the ability to spread out, and not feel so claustrophobic. I found myself wondering what the large pipes were for, they are my favorite part of this bathroom. I like to think that they are only cosmetic and serve no purpose. Or perhaps they are actually vacuum tubes like they have at the bank, and secret documents are flying past as I wizz. Yeah, that is a good one...

We stayed for all three bands. The first being the acapella group which we had paid the 8 bucks to see. The night was young so we stayed for the next band, Pete Bernhard. He was awesome, it was a folky rock show, and I love it when melding like this happens.
There was even a bit of crowd surfing going on. Which is fun to see, until you get a boot in your eye...
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