The Doc's Clock is a funky little place in the mission. It used to be right next to a funky club called 12 Galaxies. Until that club shut down 6 months ago. Now it is the funky little place right next to that abandoned building. 12 Galaxies was no doubt the funkiest music venue around mainly because it got its name from this guy:
Frank Chu is the man everyone knows in the bay area. Much like the tamale lady, and the pink unitard guy on a unicycle, he is a local legend. If you attend any large event, he will be there. If you find yourself on Market street at the right time, he will be there. Hell even if you attend a small club with just a few people hanging out, Frank Chu will be there. His form of protest is slight, and in large part impossible to understand. He is calling for the impeachment of Bill Clinton (still), but not for the reasons you've already heard (giggity). Apparently Bill had the CIA withhold Frank's payment for being on a T.V. show called "The Richest Family." His work is tireless and I really commend him for his determination. But beyond all that, Frank Chu is simply an affirmation that you are at a worthy event. Because if Frank Chu is there, you better hope you are too!
No I wasn't contemplating all this while whizzing at the Doc's Clock, it is just hard to tell the story of Doc's, without the story of the 12 Galaxies, and not also mention Frank Chu. So on to Docs Clock...
I love Doc's cause of all the P.B.R memorabilia on the walls, they also have shuffleboard, and a good beer selection. Everything you need for a good night out. It is a very chill place, it seems like most people find a booth and hang out and chat, which is really what bars are for. Not too much booty shakin goin on here, just libations over conversation.
The bathroom was great. Though cramped, and a little awkward with other people present (isn't it always), they do have cool things to look at. Plastered all over the walls are old calenders with pin-up girls. And as I have come to find out, pin-up girls are the classiest way to ogle women. This one was right above the urinal as you can see, though the flash sort of destroys it, she was a beautiful sight.

With that sexy thought I leave you. I leave you with dreams of pin-up girls and Frank Chu... Phixgrostrenikul bitches!
Yeah, I didn't know 12 Galaxies had closed until about 2 weeks ago. I need to get out more. Sigh.
ReplyDeletei command you: go to the knockout and give me a full report! ASAP!