
Friday Nite Story

...because I felt like writing.

When thinking of an idea for a blog, I immediately went towards a bike blog, because I enjoy bikes, and they are what occupies most of my time. It was after reading a NY Times Magazine article about a certain blogger on Gawker.com, that first planted the seed of blogging in my head. This particular article didn't paint a pretty picture by any stretch of the means, in fact it was a story of betrayal and one of being a prisoner to the world which you have worked hard to achieve. Confusing I know. I guess it was one line that struck me, and through the wonders of the modern Internet I bring you that line:

"there was a public place where I would always be allowed to write, without supervision, about how I felt."

This article also talked about why the particular blogger felt the need to write in the public domain. Why she felt compelled to post her feelings and words for everyone to read. And the effect of those around her (it was a good article, very entertaining...check it out here).

It was these questions that compelled me to start a blog. Thinking about it more and more I realized that I had interesting stories, and felt compelled to share them with the world. I mean really, who DOESN'T like talking about themselves? I am quite a grounded, respectful individual. Yet half the things in my life that are totally awesome, and things that I wish I could tell people about, go by unnoticed by everyone around me. I try to tell my stories, but in explaining the awesomeness, most (if not all) is lost. And that sucks. It was this inspiration that I decided within myself that I would start a bike blog, all my biking related stories of awesomeness all in one place. And when I pitched this to the person closest to me, I was met with this response:

"Yeah but all those blogs are boring."

My mouth agape and stopped dead in my tracks, I contemplated this. I had no response, mine too would probably fall into the "boring" category. Save for the few close friends that would read it, most would probably chance upon it and move on. Though this person quickly backtracked and assured me that it was a good idea and I should pursue my dream. Yet the damage was done, and I abandoned the idea.

Yet in the back of my mind I had always had an idea, unrelated to blogging and even the Internet. It came to me one night while standing in front of a urinal, staring up at the ceiling reading a diatribe about single malt whiskey. Though as much as I would love to share that diatribe with you, I have long since forgotten it (though I have read it many times, all of which I was in fact, drunk). Unfortunately for me, this work of art has been painted over, and I think this particular move by "The Mallard" was along the lines of painting a mustache on the Mona Lisa.

Standing there while relieving myself I thought of all the times I have stood in places like this one before. Wobbly, relieved, and completely happy. That night I realized I needed to chronicle these odd places in which I've been. The first idea that came to me was a coffee table book, with big pictures and funny stories. This would take money, and pro type equipment, and oh yeah...writing skills. In a more sober state I realized the blog world would do just fine, or just until publishing opportunities arose.

I am still in the process of backtracking through all those nights standing in front of urinals, looking around amazed at the decor, or utterly disgusted, or a mix of both. But I think so far what I have realized is that I am not doing this for you or anyone else, it is for me. So I guess I am not as conceited as I thought, just a little self centered.

1 comment:

  1. So far, so good. I haven't written on my blog in ages. Just too busy, I guess. Which brings me to this point. Stamina. Keep up the good work. Pissing the night away!
