Of all the bars in the bay area, this one holds the softest soft part of my heart. Not only is it mellow with good people and good music, but every Friday they have pie. And not just any pie, GOOD pie! The above picture was taken of a napkin drawing that a group of us did (I actually had no part in the drawing because I can't draw at all). It was for a friends going away party in which we did a pie crawl. Four different pie joints were visited, culminating in a trip to the Rite Spot.
Outside one of the raddest neon signs around marks the spot, with a handy little arrow. Inside the walls are adorned with an ever changing art show. This particular night had photos from many live shows in the area.
It was good to be back here, and it was good to see a real bar bathroom. Cramped, raw, graffiti everywhere, it was great.

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